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Executive Board: Roles & Responsibilities

The Executive Board Duties


A. The Executive Board shall be composed of the elected officers:


     Vice President



B. All members of the Executive Board shall be and remain currently paid-up local, state, and national (Active) members as a           

     condition for nomination to and service in this position.

C. The Executive Board shall meet prior to each regular meeting of the Representative Council and at such other times as the       

     President may deem necessary, or upon written petition of a majority of the members of the Executive Board.

D. The duties and the responsibilities of the Executive Board are:

     1. Coordinate the activities of the Association

     2. Act for the Representative Council when school is not in session;

     3. Direct the bargaining activities of the Association, subject to policies established by the Representative Council;

     4. Approve by majority vote appointment and by two-thirds (2/3) vote removal  of bargaining team members;

     5. Recommend a budget for the Association to the Representative Council

     6. Approve by majority vote all appointment and removal of committee members, including chairpersons;

     7. Adopt the local Standing Rules for the Association;

     8. Adopt grievance procedure;

     9. Direct the grievance activities of the Association; and

   10. Exercise all the business and organizational powers and duties for the Association as prescribed by law and these

          bylaws, subject to any restrictions that may be imposed by the Representative Council.

Elected Officers: Roles & Responsibilites

RVUTA President
The President shall:
1. Preside at all meetings of the Association, the Representative Council and Executive Board;
2. Prepare the agenda for the meetings of the Association, the Representative Council and the Executive Board;
3. Be the official spokesperson for the Association
4. Be familiar with the governance documents of the Association, CTA, and NEA;
5. Appoint all chairpersons and members of committees with the approval of the Executive Board by the beginning of each school year;
6. Appoint the chairperson and members of the Bargaining Team with the approval of the Executive Board by the beginning of each school year;
7. Call meetings of the Association, Representative Council and the Executive Board;
8. Propose the procedures for grievance processing for ratification by the Executive Board and the Representative Council;
9. Suggest policies, plans and activities for the Association and be held responsible for the progress and work of the Association;
10. Attend meetings of the Redwood Service Center Council  (3 Saturday's per year)
11. Attend other CTA/NEA/RVUSD meetings as directed by the Representative Council to include:
      a. CTA President's Conference (mid summer each year)
      b.  Sonoma County Educators Council (SCEC)
      c. Monthly RVUSD School Board Meetings-
               RVUTA president makes a public board address at the end of each school board meeting during the designated time.

RVUTA Vice President


The Vice President shall

1. Serve as assistant to the President in all duties of the President;

2. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President;

3. Be responsible for the formation and distribution of the Association’s calendar of activities; and

4. Serve as coordinator of committee activities at the direction of the President.

5. Attend CTA/NEA/RVUSD conferences and meetings as directed by the Exec Board and the Representative Council

RVUTA Secretary


The Secretary shall:

1. Keep a careful and accurate record of the proceedings of each meeting, regular or special, of the Association, Representative Council, and the Executive Board;

2. Be responsible for the distribution of minutes, notice of meetings, and agendas for all meetings to members of the Representative Council and Executive Board; and to the membership when appropriate;

3. Keep an accurate roster of the membership of the Association and of all committees; 

4. Carry on the correspondence pertaining to the affairs of the Association as directed by the President.

RVUTA Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

1. Receive all funds belonging to the Association and be responsible for their safekeeping and accounting;

2. Pay out such funds upon orders of the President;

3. Provide a written financial report for each regular meeting of the Representative Council and Executive Board;

4. Be responsible for an annual audit of the books of the Association and distributing a summary of this audit to the membership; and

5. Be responsible for submitting membership and financial reports to CTA, NEA, and other agencies as required by law.

6. Attend RVUSD Budget Advisory meetings on behalf of RVUTA and report information to the executive board.


  2020 Rincon Valley Union Teachers Association

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